Violent conflict may erupt rapidly, spreading like a wildfire to devastate the land and its inhabitants, or emerge slowly through a process of increasing oppression and deprivation. Whichever way violence and atrocities arrive, social healing and physical reconstruction eventually follow the devastation. Paula Green in Memory, Narrative, and Forgiveness: Perspectives on the Unfinished Journeys of the Past
Publications > Chapters & Articles

In a recently published chapter, I wrote: Understanding our own minds as a cause of suffering and of violence help empower the learner, the learning community and those beyond to recognize how human conflicts arise and how we can endeavor to more skillfully manage our impulses and reactivity. These insights into our behavior help answer the question, articulated by Bosnian group participants, to understand how “we who lived and intermarried together so well could have destroyed each other in armed conflict so thoroughly.”
Below you will find a collection of selected books, chapters and articles by Paula Green. Many in the list below include a PDF link at the end for you to read the entire article.
Book and Selected Chapters:
Healing our Broken World: Paths to Peacebuilding and Reconciliation. A Wild Love for the World, Penguin Random House, 2020. (PDF)
Engaged Buddhism East and West: Encounters with the Visions, Vitality, and Values of an Emerging Practice. The Warrior and the Pacifist, Toda Institute, Japan, 2018. (PDF)
Shaping Community Responses to Catastrophe. World Watch Institute State of the World, 2013. (PDF)
The Pivotal Role of Acknowledgement in Social Healing. Memory, Narrative, and Forgiveness: Perspectives on the Unfinished Journeys of the Past. Cambridge University Press, 2009. (PDF)
Reconciliation and Forgiveness in Divided Societies: A Path of Courage, Compassion and Commitment. Forgiveness & Reconciliation: Psychological Pathways to Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding. Springer Publications, 2009. (PDF)
Transforming Conflict, Transforming Ourselves: Buddhism and Social Liberation. Buddhist Women and Social Justice. SUNY Press, Albany, N.Y., 2004. (PDF)
The Positive Power of Voice in Peacebuilding. Peacebuilding: Positive Approaches. Pact Publications, Washington DC, 2003. (PDF)
Walking for Peace. Engaged Buddhism in America, C. Queen, Wisdom Publications, 2000. (PDF)
Psychology and Social Responsibility: Facing Global Challenges, (Staub & Green) New York, New York University Press, 1992.
Selected articles:
“An Infusion of Dialogues: Bosnians Learn from the Germans.” Peace Magazine, Jan-Mar 2003. (PDF)
“For a Future to be Possible: Bosnian Dialogue in the Aftermath of War.” Medicine, Conflict and Survival: 2000. (PDF)
“Shadows and Light: Encounters in the Holy Land.” Medicine, Conflict and Survival: 2000. (PDF)
Sri Lanka:
“Preparing for Peace: Interethnic Dialogue and Communal Healing in Sri Lanka.” (Dreier & Green) The Journal of Intergroup Relations, Winter 2002/2003. (PDF)
Engaged Buddhism:
“Applying Buddhist Insights to the Great Challenges of Peacebuilding,” Inquiring Mind, 2014. (PDF)
The CONTACT Program:
“CONTACT: Training a New Generation of Peacebuilders.” Peace and Change: A Journal of Peace Research. 2002. (and in New Routes, Life and Peace Institute, Sweden, 2000). (PDF)
“Intercultural Education for Peacebuilders.” Anthropology News. 2007. (PDF)
Hands Across the Hills
“Appalachians and New Englanders Build Bridges of Understanding and Care:” Journal of Interreligious Studies, 2020. (PDF)
Op Eds: All in Hampshire Gazette, Northampton MA
A Time to Strengthen Community and Declare an Outbreak of Peace. 2020
Hands Across the Hills has a Message to Share. 2019
Dialogue Matters. 2018
Time is Now for Dialogue by Americans. 2017
Testimony to a Forgiving Heart. 2007